Saturday, January 21, 2012

Doesn't matter which way you look at it... snowed last night. No matter how many times I said out loud "I don't believe in snow" and heard the retort that I must want to move to Hawaii (hey, a nice long visit, but I can think of other places too). 32 winters, and no endless summer. I was getting accustom to this unusual endless fall though I just really wanted one nice long break from snow plowing the driveway so I could go snowplow* some pavement.

 * snowplow is also a way to slow down by making a V with your legs. Used in skating and skiing.

Living in the mountains though, I am aware of the fact that water makes snow and snow melts into water and we need the water, and skiers have to ski to make money, to stimulate the economy to create jobs, yadda yadda yadda. I do understand, but you can't blame a girl for trying. 


January 21....

"Skate Until It Snows" 
for now.

Muttpuppy's Big Girl Panties 
Believes In Protech Dent Mouth Guards

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