Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Roller Skate - YouTube #13

Superior Mouth Guards! Protech Dent Mouth Guards are the only mouth guard you need to invest in, get one for you and one for your derby wife and sister! 

It's New Years Day, the white wet fluff that the ski resorts so look forward to has failed to show up, and, may not for a long while. I thought I was lucky to still be roller skating outside in December, but it sure looks like January will allow me to continue playing in the fresh mountain air. I will be taking full advantage of this weather, probably setting my own little local record - rollerskating into the wintry months that have not been free of precipitation since the 1800's. I feel pretty lucky to be having this endless fall.

Putting On My Big Girl Panties is sponsored by Sibbz Custom Rides of Boise, Idaho. Check them out for cool custom longboards, skateboards and extreme boards. Hand painted works of art from talented local artists.

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